My surgery last year was to help me breathe better.
The idea is that I could have air when I run. But then it was winter, and while I run outside, I’m more focused on not falling on ice than I am my breathing.
This summer is the first time I could build my lungs. The problem before was not that I couldn’t inhale, but I couldn’t exhale. My obstruction was “dynamic”. If was interesting watching it on film. It would only close when I exhaled hard.
If you didn’t know, if a person doesn’t exhale all their air, they can’t inhale as much. Therein was my problem.
Anyways, no that I can do that fine, I have to train my lungs by inhaling more air faster.
The way I do this is by having two stage inhalation. It’s basically like Lamaze breathing (had to look that one up to spell it right). In. In. Out.
It seems that by not being fully utilized for 9 years, my lungs have grown weak. So now I run faster and breathe deeper and faster. I’m slowly increasing my pace and distance. It’s probably a good thing.