Tonight there were two big tough guys pushing around a lady in downtown Minneapolis. She wasn’t pushing back. It was angry and getting worse, and like a fool, I decided to rescue the woman.
Tonight was a great night. I hosted an event at the Alibi, a bar in Minneapolis I’ve been scouting for a while. I met a woman I’ve been talking to some January. She was pretty cool, and we got along well. I met another woman who likes me, too. I was on. We were dancing and talking, and just having a good time.
Knowing that I am Mr. Subtle, and I was quite subtle with them both, which they were both really liking it. But I know I can’t maintain that for more than a couple hours. Until you know him, Justin in small doses is best for everyone!
I left Alibi. When I was nearing my ramp, I decided to write an email. I forgot to close my tab. So I emailed them asking them to close it and to tip everyone (I had my card). As I was emailing, two guys and a woman were walking down 7th Street.
The two guys were pushing around the woman. I put my phone away, walked over to them and said, “Sarah, there you are. We’re late for our reservations!” I grabbed her arm to coaxed her to come. Site couldn’t get free, though.
The bigger of the guys, who we’ll call Biggy because he was a big, fat, angry guy, asked me who I was. I said a friend. We’ll call the medium-but-bigger-than-me guy “Middy.”
Now I’m not dumb. I was staying out of Biggy’s reach, and Middy wasn’t the angry one. And I’m very good at steering attention in a conversation, in this case, away from me. And I assume I can outrun a big fat guy, because everyone knows fat people are slow and honestly just don’t want to run…. it’s a lot of work!
Biggy kept urging me to fight him or whatever specific phrase he used. He wanted me to step out (go backwards) and fight him.
I almost did. Ha. Just kidding. Biggy’s right arm probably weighted as much as my right leg. I kept telling him, “No thank you. Keep coming this week way.”
90% of the time, there’s a Minneapolis police officer in the parking ramp. My plan was to bring him to the situation…..
Tonight was a 10% night. Crap ….
Luckily Biggy went back to the other two. I was too far away, so his attention was gone. I kept an eye on the trio. Perhaps they all knew each other. I don’t know.
Finally I saw what I was looking for – a police SUV. I ran up to then and told them there’s two big guys pushing a small woman about a half a block ahead. When they couldn’t see then, I just beckoned for them to follow me.
I’m glad they did. Their SUV was creeping down the street. The time the cop SUV was close enough to see the trio was right before Biggy had a fully wound-up punch that sent Middy on the ground, crumpled in a doorway.
The cops were there now. I just glared at Biggy as to say “Ha!” One cop was trying to keep me out of it.
“I’m just sbystander,” I said. “I did my job.”
The lady was comforting Middy, who was coherent.
Her eyes were saying, “Thank you.”
I reached out and grabbed her hand and said, “You’re welcome.”
“My name is Kelly. Thank you.”
Who knows where things would have gone if I was passive like I’m supposed to be. I love being me, making a difference.