Rare Post from Summer 2017

It has been incredibly busy lately, but since I decided to not work tonight or not zone out in front of the TV, I thought I’d tell you all about what’s up.

First of all, to my neighbors, I’m sorry. I am going to cut my grass for the second time this weekend. I will cut it every weekend. Previously I cut it every 8 days, figuring I would have to mow the lawn 14% less each summer. It’s a theory that works when you are able to get home before 9:30 most nights.

For my clients, I am working my tail off. For those who I haven’t finished, I will get everything to a point of “near finished” with just a couple questions. This will be a weekend of work. As in, not even outside or at a lake. That’s for half of y clients. The other half, I’ll email you and remind you of what you need to send me (in most cases, it is “everything”).

As the last paragraph may indicate, my tale has not been worked off from tax returns. While I did things here and there, the month of May was consumed mostly by MinnesotaNow. MinnesotaNow is a new nonprofit that was formed somewhere during tax season.

It’s an awesome thing Minnesota needed, and greatness needs to start somewhere, so why not?