This year, I got the word out to about 250 different people using the meetups. We didn’t all hang out in one place, but I talked to many people, and they all had a blast!
A lot of us just danced the night away! I’ll just let the pictures talk!
This girl threw herself at meThis was the other girl’s best friend. They weren’t from around here.Heather & friendJJ made it out, and Holli didn’t suck (as much as usual)!Chad had a lot of fun!There were bagpipes!That is Serena and her friend Karen, I’m not sure who the other guy is.I met these people at Kierran’s before anyone arrived. They were pretty cool!Broken Spoke themselves – that was an awesome show for them! So packed!
I used to do a little,
But the little wouldn’t do it,
So the little got more and more.
I just keep trying to get a little better,
‘Said a little better than before.
Well, this is “handy-ish”, but it’s more along the “crafty” sort of thing.
I had several sewing repaid kits scattered throughout my travel bags, nightstand, ironing board-type area, etc. I decided to buy a sewing box.
In the store, much to my dismay, all the sewing boxes were, well, not manly:
Not ManlyDownright girly
So I improvised:
Manly Sewing Kit! (tackle box)
Next came the whole reason for my domestic distraction:
Ugly and beyond my experience
I had no idea what to do. I just did what I always do: make it up!
Dress pins? This is not dress, but I think it’ll work!
Let’s see. I’ll just do a simple stitch:
And tying a knot every couple inches so the whole thing doesn’t unravel if a thread broke.
After a break to wrap up grad school, I’m going to re-enter the dance world by performing 3 numbers at the DanceLife Ballroom Showcase tomorrow at 7:00 – Waltz, Rumba, and Disco!