It’s Only Tuesday?!

Today started like most days: I got up to go to work at “whenever o’clock”, had some coffee, checked the Facebooks, that kind of stuff.
I saw that my friends were moving at 9:00, so after heading to the ATM to deposit client checks, I ran to my friends’ place to give a hand. Many of you know I support my friends whenever possible. And while my self-made schedule at work said I’d be there at 9:30, I recalled the note I have next to it that states, “times are approximate.”

I chuckled at my immense cleverness and went to help my friends – plus there was bagels of the sugary, “why don’t they call these donuts?” variety.

After helping my friends, I headed in to work. Blah, blah, blah – I worked.

Then I went to my SLP office to meet with someone who wanted to chat.

Knowing about the meeting previously, my intern was scheduled to work there after. We worked together for only a couple hours, but we were having technical issues.

So we drove back to Saint Paul and had a little Davanni’s, where she’s never been, and which she enjoyed.

After dinner, I went back home. I sirens until now working on my computers with dance music going and having the occasional dance (way quicker than going to the gym).

Tonight I solved all of the technical problems (which I did in my head on my way to Davanni’s, but I had to set up the systems and write instructions for the solution).
I actually solved two problems.

If you ever notice that I feel like I haven’t talked to you for months when I’m busy, it’s not because I’m desperate to talk to people or to smile, but it’s because time slows down.


I am blessed with a skewed perception of time, and it allows me to do more and experience more life. While normal people have a year of life experience, I feel like I have 2. I’m the luckiest man alive!

I’ve only heard of this time slowing down phenomenon one other place, but I can’t remember where….
