Going with it

Life being as crazy as it is, I’m glad I’ve developed an awesome skill at just going with it.

This is slightly different than going with the flow, which is very not type-Justin. I can do that when being social, and I’m great at doing it when someone takes the lead, and I actually like to do it.

People just don’t take the lead, and when people are being lame, they just need someone to show them otherwise.

I’m not here to talk about how I’m good at not being boring and having boundless energy.

No, I mean “going with it”. It’s different than “going with the flow”. Going with it is a skill for someone who wants to get things done. For my own business, I have everything exactly how I want it, and I like it because things work.

The biggest part of going with it is having a backup plan. And then having a backup for your backup. And making it so the biggest reason you’re experiencing down time is because you decided to write a post, not because of your IT issues.

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And to be able to do crazy pivots without having down time.

For instance, I was working. I just noticed that my computer wasn’t charging. It’s probably a power source issue, since both power cords didn’t work (and the charger for my phone is working and plugged into the same outlet, etc.).

So what do I do?

Naturally, I click a few times to start my local machine backup process. With two easy processes, the computer backs up all of my Outlook PSTs and the few machine-based files.

Once I do that, they’re just hanging out on my server. I then grab my other laptop, tell it which way to sync, and download everything to my other computer.

And BAM! Up and running within 30 minutes with full capabilities.