Fall Busy Season Celebration

On April 15, I went to Bar La Grassa and Freehouse with Lesya. It was an awesome time!

The spring deadline is great because if you have clients who are being a pain,  you just extend, and everyone’s okay with that.

In the fall, there is no extension. If a return is filed 5 minutes late, it’s an automatic 5% penalty.

This year, for me, 10/15 ended at around 11:40. My celebration involved going to the only fine dining open after midnight, getting a McFlurry, going home, and watching a movie (side note: Reasonable Doubt is a pretty badass movie).

But my Friday I had “off”, so naturally, toured potential offices for my business.

In the night, I misunderstood my friend and thought we’d hang out, so wasted it waiting for her to get back to me. While waiting I cleaned part of my house.

I’m now having dessert at BWW and watching the end of the Wild game.