The Woman for Me

I don’t know who is the right woman, but I do know about her.

She may be someone I already know (or am talking to her every day but need to spend time with her to know her), or perhaps I have yet to meet her or meet her again.

I read an article and thought, “Hell yes!” It was written for a female audience, but I identified with it in some ways.


Now, I’m going to say I’m a ‘Goddamn Warrior’, but the article describes me and, the reason I’m writing, the woman I think would be right for me. In short, someone who’s stubborn and crazy. I’ll run through some quotes:

“When it comes to taking bets on your heart, he is going to be high stakes—all the way.”
I have usually done this, but I just need a woman who won’t hold back either.

“This warrior of yours will crave your strength, and your intensity.”
Most women feign from intensity. I love when I have a conversation, and the smiles get bigger and bigger and quicker and quicker, as if it’s leading to some kind of conversational climax.

“[He] won’t be someone that you can manipulate or play with as you have in the past.”
While I’m a high stakes kind of guy (above), I’m terrible at playing games. Some people play games to slow down the “getting to know you” process. My subtleties have a shelf life of about a week.

“The difference is, unlike the others, he isn’t going to be scared off.”
Talk to women I’ve liked. I don’t scare, I don’t quit, sometimes to their distress….. (as in “just stop calling/trying to rendezvous”, not “I filed a restraining order”).

“Don’t try to run this time.”

If she runs, she shouldn’t run too fast because i should be able to catch her. But she should run, meaning 5Ks. That’d be solid fun.

“[He needs to know you’ll] still be there when he craves his freedom and ventures off into this world for a bit. You won’t always need to follow him, just as he won’t always follow you.”
I’ve become a very independent person, and it’s best if she was too.

A woman can be stubborn, and that’s fine. She doesn’t ever need to lose or give up. As the Piano Man explains:
She never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind

Life is awesome.

P.S. I’m a fucking warrior. I don’t need to numerate my badassness.

Weekend Mornings

Weekend mornings are unique, and we’re given a simple choice two days each week:

Should I catch up on my sleep, or should I catch up on everything else?

Normally, we all go for the latter. I try to split my weekend between the two. Sleep is very important because we all have those good jobs that are annoying because our bosses expect near-perfect performance all the time. That means we have to be well rested to stay smart.

It’s true, you could just get the proper amount of sleep during the week, but we all know that doesn’t work. We have deadlines, maybe a kid was not allowing for sleep, or maybe a girl stayed over/talked on the phone too late. These are all valid reasons (yes, the last one is valid because 1) us men can’t control women, and 2) the whole point of work is to have means to enjoy life, so it’s fine as long as it doesn’t affect your performance).

I usually split up my two mornings. So I tend to have late Friday nights and early Saturday mornings.

I focus on mornings because after lunch, you get busy with plans, so mornings are really the only time that’s your own. Unless you have kids, then you get your time in 20 years.

I go out Friday nights. Saturdays are good for doing some work, running errands, and all that exciting stuff.

Sunday mornings are spent sleeping in and just relaxing. You make and eat a good breakfast. Sunday mornings are your time to do what you want. You can work outside, read a little, or just lounge around in bed.

How do you spend your Sunday mornings?
How do you spend your Sunday mornings?


Most people know, I thoroughly enjoy dancing.

What I don’t enjoy all the time is dance clubs.

They’re okay, but so people go to then by themselves? I don’t think they do.

If I go to then with a bunch of friends, they all dance in a giant circle by themselves. Lame. I greatly prefer having another’s field of gravity to play with (centripetal force).

If I do go by myself, being a fan of partner dancing, I just want to find a lady with whom to dance.

While I can’t dance by myself coolly and have fun, because guys aren’t supposed to dance too much, which is lame, if I dance with the full extent of my energy like a ridiculous dancing fool, people will laugh, and I do enjoy that.

Two Stage Breathing

My surgery last year was to help me breathe better.

The idea is that I could have air when I run. But then it was winter, and while I run outside, I’m more focused on not falling on ice than I am my breathing.

This summer is the first time I could build my lungs. The problem before was not that I couldn’t inhale, but I couldn’t exhale. My obstruction was “dynamic”. If was interesting watching it on film. It would only close when I exhaled hard.

If you didn’t know, if a person doesn’t exhale all their air, they can’t inhale as much. Therein was my problem.

Anyways, no that I can do that fine, I have to train my lungs by inhaling more air faster.

The way I do this is by having two stage inhalation. It’s basically like Lamaze breathing (had to look that one up to spell it right). In. In. Out.

It seems that by not being fully utilized for 9 years, my lungs have grown weak. So now I run faster and breathe deeper and faster. I’m slowly increasing my pace and distance. It’s probably a good thing.

New Term

Maybe it’s Spring Fever, or maybe it’s that it’s no longer tax season, but I just can’t get some things out of my mind. I’ve just been going nuts!

I love that it is so nice out!

I swear, when I do anything, I come away with at least two girls’ numbers. Such was the case tonight. I went to the Lake Harriet Kick-off event, and one woman loved dancing with me, and her friend loved talking to me. They were both in their mid-thirties. I don’t waste my time with young girls – too easy. Too much drama.

Right now I’m looking for friends. It just so happens that I want a lot of beautiful lady friends. 😉

This brings me to my new term: one of my friends always found guys, and they were always douches.

I told her that she should only date friends because then she’ll actually know them well enough so they’re not bad. Also, then they’ll have an interest in her well-being.

She finally started seeing one of our friends. It’s a secret: no one but me knows (she doesn’t have any girl best friends). They’re not really dating right now.

I told her what they were. They’re kissy-face friends. They just hang out and are cool, but sometimes they do the kissy-face thing, or wherever it goes.

That’s pretty much what I’m looking for, too. I want a kick ass friend with whom I can be close. I guess it’s kind of friends with benefits, but I think that has a bad rep for its attempt to be emotionless. Kissy-face friends just triesto minimize things. Limit official labels.

For me, with the ASI event began something awesome that I can’t explain. Women just seem to be in to me. I’m resisting being in to them, too. I’m waiting until I find the right one, then she’ll have it super good.

Kinda Mad

I’m kind of mad that I didn’t dance on Friday.

After dancing last night, I remember how much I love dancing and how good I am at it.

My sincere apologies to all the ladies with whom I did not dance.