Many people speak harshly of 2017. For me, it was by no means smooth, but it certainly wasn’t bad. I just planted a lot of seeds, but that’s what I’ve been doing since 2013.
They’ve all been growing at once, which is wonderful, and also frightening. Things are busy, but it’s okay.
But here’s where 2018 is headed:
It’s going to have great business results. I have a few unique surprises (service offerings) for my business that will distinctly set me apart from all other accountants.
2017 had personnel problems, which btw cripple a small business. I work with an incredible Tommie now, and all is right in the world.
Oh! And I’m actually focusing this year!
Besides Business
Besides business, I’m personally going to love 2018.
My take on resolutions made out so I only gained 5lbs from Thanksgiving through NYE.
But I do have goals for this year.
My biggest goal for 2018 is to return my focus to me. This has several parts.
Stop Being Single

This doesn’t mean that I need to get a partner. It means I need to stop telling to world that I’m single. I need to stop joking about it. So I’ve been doing that, and it’s been great!
Basically, I have been cooler with just chilling at home and getting things done, versus chilling at home and going on an internet dating site. Oh, and that also means drinking the no-cheap wine even though I’m not sharing.
Get In Shape
This one’s not a unique goal. I could diet and workout more, but that sounds like a lot of work.
I’m just doing a minimum workout in the morning. If I can workout again, great, but if I can’t, it’s fine. 50 burpees are quick and effective at waking me up. In fact, I don’t even need caffeine. Or so I imagine if I tried it….
This week I lost 5 lbs even though my feet didn’t let me run. I’ve been doing something else.
Often at night, I’m working on things that are not hard-core technical (i.e. no tax returns or accounting). It’s been all internal work, and it just needs to get done. Yes, I’m creating more routes to delegate.
So what I’ve been doing is pretty simple:
After 8:00, stop eating. And then I’ll have a yogurt of something before I go to bed at 2:00 to calm my stomach. It works.
Make Me a Priority
I’m taking time for me. For work, that means I’ll do my accounting and tax on time. That also means I’m not going to always work.
I’ll start doing things besides traveling. This means things around the house, like work on my photo wall, like I did last night.

On that note, I need to start bringing my Nikon with me on more trips, or I can wait for the Galaxy S9 to come out
with a new, fancier camera (word has it you should wait for the S9+). Or really, since the camera is supposedly as good as an SLR right now, I just need to be more patient with shooting. It’s very hard to do with a camera phone. Also I need to use a tripod so I can zoom respectably.
I think that taking your time and the viewfinder is absolutely the advantage of an SLR camera.
But besides just projects, I’m going to start writing more. Well, for business, sure, but I have a travel blog, and when I talk to people, I apparently know a lot of really helpful tips. Sure, specifics about Paris and other great places, but also general travel tips.
It’ll be really easy to recall, since when I travel, if I take a picture of a great dessert, I’ll also take a picture of the menu so I’ll know where it is and what it’s called, so I can write a story.
My events have taken kind of a turn. I’ve gotten busy or lazy, and I do a lot of piggy-back events, my term for making an event at a bigger. Those are okay, but then I kind of am a bad host. I just organize people and go off to do my own thing.
I’m kind of sick of events where people just thank me for organizing and that’s the extent of their interaction. With piggy-back events, I don’t really do much.
I’m now going to focus more on the group. I’ll stay with the group and take an active lead role. This will make my events better.
I’m also going to get an events and marketing intern so I can stop spending time making & promoting events. It’s not hard work – just copying and pasting what I wrote to meetup, FB, and eventbrite. It’s a pain because it’s usually to two or three of those accounts at once.
Also with events, I’ve been focused on BIG and doing things that people will want to do. That’s dumb – I’m getting back to what makes my events awesome – me doing whatever I want and letting others join me.
So basically, in 2018, I’m going to pay attention to me.