This is one of the most hilarious story songs I know:
It’s almost as long as Mariner’s Revenge.
Wonderful happenings!
Because I love music videos!
It’s been a week since deadline, and things aren’t slowing down like they used to.
This song is about business:
I’ve actually been to two Rob Zombie concerts, back in the day. The concerts are kind of like god older videos, which I’ll post someday.
Alas, my post frequency will probably slow a bit so I have time work all that I do.
Well, I never heard it before, but I occasionally hear songs that are new to me since I started listening to 108 more frequently.
Great song. I just found it odd that I haven’t heard it before.
Have a fancy Friday! I am! HH then a dance / Irish music party at my friend’s ballroom in St. Paul!
So busy but having tons of fun always!