We all know we’re going to wait in lines at the Fair, but who wants to wait in line to wait in line?
Of course, I’m talking about Fair Traffic.
Since I’m a local, I know the ins and outs, and because I probably like you, I’m going to tell you how to get close (to a Energy Park Drive Park & Ride or within walking distance without paying for parking).
Step 1:
Now I’ll tell you how to do that:
From the South (southeast or southwest, it’s all the same):
- Take 494 to 5
- Take 5, avoid airport and 55
- Take the Edgecomb/Shepard exit.
- Stay on Edgecomb (north) whenever road forks
- Stay on Edgecomb (north) whenever road forks
- If that exit is closed because of construction (not sure if that’s done), follow 5, which turns into W 7th
- Turn Left (north) onto Davern
- Turn left (west) on St. Paul Ave
- Turn right (north) on Edgecomb/Fairview
- Stay on Edgecomb/Fairview when road forks
From the East/West
- Take either Lexington (if from East) or Cretin (if from West) exit
- Go South until Marshall
- If from East, take Marshall West, if from West, take Marshall East
- Turn north onto Fairview
- ||||||| CONTINUED
- Stay on Fairview (north), under 94, past University light
- Stay on Fairview past Minnehaha stop sign and Hewitt stop sign
- Turn right (east) onto pierce Butler Ave
- Take Snelling North exit (north, but exit on right [south] side of street)
- Snelling North Exit should turn into Energy Park Drive exit
- Turn left (east) onto Energy Park Drive.
- Find a Park & Ride
From the North:
- Never going this way myself, I’ve heard there is parking in the neighborhoods around Como. Good luck!