Annual Reminder

For all of my friends, family, and anyone who sees me from place to place, I’d like to write you the same message I do every year around this time.

I am very busy from now until mid-April. While I absolutely enjoy people when I am with them, when I am writing you messages or emails or even sometimes talking on the phone, my communications may be a little curt. That’s not because I’m mad or anything, but it’s because I’m doing something.

Getting to the main purpose of my annual reminder, just because I’m busy does not mean I am too busy for you. I push myself very hard during busy season to maintain work/life balance. Sometimes, this means just a little balance, like blasting away for a quick drink with a friend or for dinner, before returning to work.

So as I always say, don’t say, “Oh, Justin is probably too busy to hang out” or “We should leave him alone to get things done.”
That is incorrect. You should give me the option. I’ve been doing this for years, which means I can tell you whether it would be better to come or not. I know myself, I know my business, and I know the ramifications of the bad decisions I might make. I also know that I can handle it.

If you need a “yes” or “no”, please let me know, and I will tell you. However, most RSVPs, for instance, on meetup, are definite maybes. If it’s early in the morning, it’s contingent on whether or not I work until 1 or 2. If it’s in the evening, it’s contingent on of I can take the time.
Usually if it’s a business event, I’ll RSVP yes because I usually hope to go, but lately, I’ve been saying “yes” because it’s better exposure. I kid you not, I had someone contact me because they were hoping they would meet me. Therefore, I always “hope to attend” networking events. Of course, I’m hoping to go to them because I often get one to three clients fro each event, plus I want to introduce my intern and one of my clients to some networking.

So please, bug me, distract me from work. I push myself because I want to succeed. Losing work/life balance is not succeeding. I’m busy, but I’m social. If I need to do the impossible, I can. I’m more capable this year than any busy season past. It’s awesome!

Very busy business