Christmas 2019

Christmas this year has been fun and had things worthwhile to tell.

My mom is a nurse, so it’s very common that we don’t do the ‘big family’ Christmas in the 25th. It’s made my parents very cool about it, so they tell me brothers, “go do your family thing and see the in-laws, and we’ll just all meet here sometime separately.”

It’s pretty cool.

Often that mean I just hang out with my dad while my mom works.

Today he had work to do, and I always have things to do, so I just met him at his office at the airport. I haven’t seen ‘behind the scenes’ at the airport for 15 years, so I went on a really cool tour.

Around 1:30 we left for lunch. We went to a Chinese place recommended by a newspaper article about places for lunch on Christmas Day. The line was out the door! After about 5 minutes, we decided to leave.

When we pulled out, there was a flyer under the windshield wipers. My dad turned on the wipers, and when it flew away, we noticed it was actually a dollar bill.

“Should we get it?”

“It’s free money.”

So we turned around, and picked it up. As we drove past the corner of 14th and 4th to leave, the person who was putting bills on cars just threw a wad of money into the air.

I got out and just started picking up money with the two other guys who were there.

We then drove off through Dinkytown. All the Chinese places looked too commercial and cheap, but then we found one called Legendary Spice. It was amazing!

Awesome fried rice with entree Tony’s Chicken

It’s been a great Christmas so far. Merry Christmas everyone!

New, Healthy Burger

A hamburger isn’t inherently bad, but there are so many carbohydrates in the bun!

Much like any sandwich, for anyone trying to reduce their carbohydrate intake, sandwiches are basically off the list of acceptable foods.

You could eat faceless burgers, but you simply can’t use your knife and fork when on the go!

Therefore, I’ve found a new way to eat a burger that allows for all the conveniences of a burger without the carbs, gluten, or variable taste of a bun.

The bun is a vehicle to bring food to your mouth, and that doesn’t need to change.

However, I encourage you to use the bun for only that, pointing out that you don’t need to eat the bun.

Take a bite of the meat and veggies, but not the bun. Feel free to leave the excess bun behind.

Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello

Thirty-three was a great year!

A lot of good things happened. For business, I learned for to have an ounce or two of focus.

For travel, I’ve been to a  few domestic locales, plus my three week vacation where I took a cruise from London to NYC. Did I mention that yet?

Anyways, it was a good year. I also made some guy friends, very strange for me.

But as the year ends with crazy work hours and a massive party, like most years, I think it’s time to say goodbye.

But thirty-four is going to be amazing!

I’m not going to make any predictions about meeting the right girl, but I can tell you one thing–I’m going to start traveling with friends and clients as much as possible.

I’m looking forward to a record year. I have plans to bring a new flurry of passion and vigor to the TC’s entrepreneurship community. I’m going to have my business more than ever before. Right now I have three support people helping me, but I’m going to add two professionals to payroll.

But let’s be honest, I’m not doing anything until I get my 9 returns done by Monday!

So goodbye to a decent year, and hello to the incredible age of thirty-four!

It’s time to hit it hardcore!

Push It!

One thing you may not know about me:
I push myself and everything in my life. I always push myself to do more, better, and faster.

I’m not going to talk about how awesome I’m doing in my business, mostly because this isn’t my business blog, but also because most of you know it because I do awesome work for you.

But I’m taking about personally. I slack sometimes (tax season) on the personal goals, but this year I didn’t gain weight from Christmas to April 15th.

But then on my 3 week vacation, I strained my Achilles tendon and fractured my ankle (hairline fracture, so just some pain). Deciding to not let that hold me back, I got through my vacation with as much dancing as one would expect on a cruise. But when I returned, I decided to let it heal, since it was progressively worsening.

It’s true, I didn’t run on it much until I could start going down the stairs in the morning without sidestepping. But once I could manage the stairs without much pain, I began to push it more.

Runs down the street.
Runs around the block.

I always push it. It’s sometimes uncomfortable, but being uncomfortable is life’s way of encouraging one to improve and grow in their ability.

I push myself in every way I can.

While I didn’t gain any weight during tax season, I didn’t lose until sometime after my vacation. Not being able to run completely diminished my usual ability to shed my winter weight.

Luckily, a friend of mine helped push me towards a better, more sustainable diet and re-emphasized weight training.

Since mid-May, I’ve lost 20 lbs.
In two weeks of being able to run, I’ve lost 10 more.

I’m tone who always pushes himself.

Bikes: What You Knew Was True… IS TRUE!

I remember back in the day, i hugging and puffing on the bike path. Then, out of nowhere, a Lance Armstrong lookalike came flying past me.

He wasn’t huffing and puffing. No sirry. In fact, while my legs were treading circles so fast you could barely see them, he was just casually moving his feet around, as of to say, “Yeah, I’m basically coasting and leaving you in the dust buddy. Try running . Everyone looks like they’re dying while running….”

We’ve all thought it:

Am I really that out of shape, or is it just the bike? It’s gotta be the bike!

Well issues and gentlemen, I’m here today to tell you one thing.

It is, indeed, the bike.

I recently bought a road bike that was so cheap, I wouldn’t speak of it lest I was bringing news for the good of all non-elitist humanity!

I’m not taking about a Walmart bike. No, ma’am. I’m talking a used Walmart road bike.

On my beautiful GMC Denuli, it is exactly as I thought:

I’m coasting up hills. I’m passing those young 20-somethings like I’ve been biking hardcore my whole life. I’m biking so fast that the children assume I must be a superhero.

But I’m not  I’m just a dude with super pretty calves.


Let me tell you what it’s actually like in case you were thinking about getting one.

Now I’ve only been on mine 3 times, and I’m sure it won’t wear me out much once I go on some civilized paths in Minneapolis. But for now, I can just say, it’s busy.

This must be how people feel driving a manual car for the first time.

There are basically three ways to grip the handlebars. One is good for casual riding but it’s harder to break. Another is good for going downhill, it looks badass, and you go fast, and it’s also the easiest to break. The last is good for climbing hills.

But with all the changing from one grip to the other, it really wears me out . It probably doesn’t help that I don’t yet have my biking legs this summer.

But seriously, these things go really, really fast! You’re tempted to petal downhill instead of coast . For some reason, it’s easier!

That means the little hill by my house gets me to 25 mph (40.2 kph) almost instantly. I have to brake halfway through because it turns a blind corner!

So if you just want a casual bike, staying with your hybrid is just fine. But if you wanna go fast….


This is Great!

You previously read about how I’d be paying more attention to me.

2018 is the year I finally figure out how to do balance.
I mean, usually I have balance by taking extravagant vacations and being super social. For 2018, I don’t see the former slowing down. Social events will be more intentional, but that’s another post.

I’m getting balance. And some routine, albeit not much. But I’m going to try to write one post per week on my steam-of-consciousness, personal blog (here). I’m also cooking more.

Also, I predict I’ll get more work done! The routine Ill have will be regarding work, and they’re in development.

Tonight’s masterpiece is what I call, Imperfect Burger

Oh, and the fries were also grilled, and they were perfect!

I’m also finally getting my house organized.

I made up a new phrase last night:
Some people have mood swings. I have energy swings. I have periods of sudden energy and motivation where I just need to do things.

The result is my coming home at 11:00 at night and cleaning my garage. And shoveling my sidewalk. And shoveling my neighbors’ sidewalks. It was my replacement run. If you can’t imagine my shoveling, just imagine that I do it very quickly.

At that, it’s time to run around a little. Goodnight!

2018 – New Goals & Predictions

Many people speak harshly of 2017. For me, it was by no means smooth, but it certainly wasn’t bad. I just planted a lot of seeds, but that’s what I’ve been doing since 2013.
They’ve all been growing at once, which is wonderful, and also frightening. Things are busy, but it’s okay.
But here’s where 2018 is headed:
It’s going to have great business results. I have a few unique surprises (service offerings) for my business that will distinctly set me apart from all other accountants.
2017 had personnel problems, which btw cripple a small business. I work with an incredible Tommie now, and all is right in the world.
Oh! And I’m actually focusing this year!
Besides Business
Besides business, I’m personally going to love 2018.
My take on resolutions made out so I only gained 5lbs from Thanksgiving through NYE.
But I do have goals for this year.
My biggest goal for 2018 is to return my focus to me. This has several parts.
Stop Being Single

This doesn’t mean that I need to get a partner. It means I need to stop telling to world that I’m single. I need to stop joking about it. So I’ve been doing that, and it’s been great!
Basically, I have been cooler with just chilling at home and getting things done, versus chilling at home and going on an internet dating site. Oh, and that also means drinking the no-cheap wine even though I’m not sharing.
Get In Shape
This one’s not a unique goal. I could diet and workout more, but that sounds like a lot of work.
I’m just doing a minimum workout in the morning. If I can workout again, great, but if I can’t, it’s fine. 50 burpees are quick and effective at waking me up. In fact, I don’t even need caffeine. Or so I imagine if I tried it….
This week I lost 5 lbs even though my feet didn’t let me run. I’ve been doing something else.
Often at night, I’m working on things that are not hard-core technical (i.e. no tax returns or accounting). It’s been all internal work, and it just needs to get done. Yes, I’m creating more routes to delegate.
So what I’ve been doing is pretty simple:
After 8:00, stop eating. And then I’ll have a yogurt of something before I go to bed at 2:00 to calm my stomach. It works.
Make Me a Priority
I’m taking time for me. For work, that means I’ll do my accounting and tax on time. That also means I’m not going to always work.
I’ll start doing things besides traveling. This means things around the house, like work on my photo wall, like I did last night.
On that note, I need to start bringing my Nikon with me on more trips, or I can wait for the Galaxy S9 to come out with a new, fancier camera (word has it you should wait for the S9+). Or really, since the camera is supposedly as good as an SLR right now, I just need to be more patient with shooting. It’s very hard to do with a camera phone. Also I need to use a tripod so I can zoom respectably.
I think that taking your time and the viewfinder is absolutely the advantage of an SLR camera.
But besides just projects, I’m going to start writing more. Well, for business, sure, but I have a travel blog, and when I talk to people, I apparently know a lot of really helpful tips. Sure, specifics about Paris and other great places, but also general travel tips.
It’ll be really easy to recall, since when I travel, if I take a picture of a great dessert, I’ll also take a picture of the menu so I’ll know where it is and what it’s called, so I can write a story.
My events have taken kind of a turn. I’ve gotten busy or lazy, and I do a lot of piggy-back events, my term for making an event at a bigger. Those are okay, but then I kind of am a bad host. I just organize people and go off to do my own thing.
I’m kind of sick of events where people just thank me for organizing and that’s the extent of their interaction. With piggy-back events, I don’t really do much.
I’m now going to focus more on the group. I’ll stay with the group and take an active lead role. This will make my events better.
I’m also going to get an events and marketing intern so I can stop spending time making & promoting events. It’s not hard work – just copying and pasting what I wrote to meetup, FB, and eventbrite. It’s a pain because it’s usually to two or three of those accounts at once.
Also with events, I’ve been focused on BIG and doing things that people will want to do. That’s dumb – I’m getting back to what makes my events awesome – me doing whatever I want and letting others join me.
So basically, in 2018, I’m going to pay attention to me.

New Healthy Approach to New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are not a way to create change, and generally, I think the concept is highly flawed.

It’s About Motivation

Photo by Sonja Langford on UnsplashFirst of all, today’s modern society is motivated by deadlines. People will be disciplined because they don’t want to be late. Think about how motivated students would be if the teacher said, “Okay class. The project needs to be started by next Thursday.”

I’m sure someone will start their project before Thursday, but only that one overachiever. Everyone else will do what they want.

Let’s relate this to January first. It’s pre-January 1st, there are holiday festivities, and cookies, and candies… yum.

“Well, heck guys, we don’t need to behave because it’s before January 1st. We don’t need to. Except for those overachievers.”

Don’t you see how this is a bad way to go? Combine that with our attitude of gluttony around the holidays, and it’s even worse.


I’ve heard people say, “Christmas only comes once per year.”

And that’s the wrong attitude. It comes every year, and it hangs around for about a month. Last year was the first Christmas where I didn’t OD on cookies, and it was nice.

Besides slacking before the start time, the lack of deadline gives no real motivation and no real goal before the deadline starts.

Be Stronger, Have a Goal

I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I think they’re dumb, if you couldn’t infere.

My New Year’s Resolutions are backwards. I make January 1st the deadline for my goals. This is way more in-line with human nature. First of all, it’s deadline driven. People in the United States are deadline driven creatures. So I’ll make a goal like “lose 10 pounds by January 1st.”

By having that goal, I manage to steer away from too many cookies during the holiday season. It works for me, anyways.

Working toward a goal is different that working toward a behavior modification. A typical Resolution will be “go to the gym 5 days per week” or “take the stairs everyday at work,” and those would be great behaviors, but as goals, they are inherently flawed.

Gradual Change

Humans have problems making sudden departures from routine. Routines are known, routines are safe, and routines are efficient. A typical New Year’s Resolution is sudden and sharp. People go from eating holiday junk food to eating diet food, counting calories, and going to the gym. ALL AT ONCE.

Are you kidding me? The reason we like routines is because they are efficient. People simply don’t have time to make all these changes at once because it’s so inefficient and requires so much active thought and planning. They have to make time to make their lunch, go to the gym, and count their Calories at the end of the day. Working toward a goal is gradual.

Also, because it is gradual change, you’re building up to make it a positive habit that you incorporate into your life. Come January 1st, you’ll have these positive habits already in place. You feel good. All you have to do is keep up the good habits. Easy-peasy.

Being gradual, it’s also inherently more flexible.

All or Nothing, a Poor Approach

Resolutions are set up as an all or nothing rule. Goals like “go to the gym 4 days per week,” or “take the stairs everyday but Monday at work” are flawed because if you can’t go to the gym one day because of an emergency, then you’ll say “Well, unless there’s an emergency.”

It’s a slippery slope, and while you won’t track all of the exceptions, after a couple months you’ll say you’ll go unless there’s an emergency, you have a big deadline at work, the kids want to go to the mall, you have to get groceries, you have a networking event, and eventually, because you’re really tired from a long day.”

Now you go to the gym when it’s convenient, which it never is.

Allowing for Change

Since the habits to reach the goal are set by you, they are responsive to new information.

Maybe running 5 miles each day is your new habit, but you’ve learned that your feet hurt after 4, then you can change your goal to run 3 miles each day and do 50 burpees. It works better for you and is more customized than the blind decision of making yourself do something that you think will be good for you, but you’re just not meant to do it.

Goals and Changes versus Resolutions

Quit making resolutions. They might work for some people, but we’re all human. We’re not resolved at all. You will break them, and you will loose track.

By making a New Year’s Goal, you are setting a deadline, and you will be working towards that deadline. Not only that, but you will be establishing strong habits in a gradual, flexible way.

In this way, we can significantly improve our lives, and it won’t be significantly rearranging our lives like a New Year’s Resolution. Let’s make New Year’s Goals instead.

Photo by Ezra Jeffrey on Unsplash

What is your New Year’s Goal?


Today’s Exploratory Run

Today was stressful day at work. One thing I like to do after a stressful day is go for a run outside. Stress is bad for the body, do I figure I’ll balance it out with something healthy.

Normally, I’ll run to Noodles or Target and run home, which is about 3 miles. I haven’t done this for a while.

But tonight I decided to keep going and run past Hamline Avenue to see what was down there. I mean, you know a lot of areas, but you drive past and don’t really notice as much like you would running.

So I went to Lexington. And you know everything there when you drive: it’s a White Castle.

I kept going.

There, I found a BBQ place. I wasn’t really hungry, but I thought I’d check it out.

This place featured a lot of pork, in the flavor as whole headed pigs you can BBQ. If you couldn’t guess, but this point, I was beyond the typical areas in Saint Paul. Those end at White Castle, pretty much.

I was at University and Victoria. Do you know what’s on Victoria?

Oh yes–Cafe Latte!

So I took a jaunt south though the neighborhoods less traveled, and eventually hit Grand.

At Cafe Latte, I had a truffle and water. I took an awesome picture I was going to post it with the comment “I run do I can eat what I want,” but the phones 4% power wasn’t enough to save it…

Then I ran down Grand, back to Fairview, then back home.

It was a long run.

Next time, I’ll have to remember to train so I don’t do this cold turkey, my water belt, and nipple tape.

Safe Night Runs

Nights come earlier. Often enough, by the time you get home, it’s dark!

That makes you choose one of three things. The easiest thing you can do is give in to the early onset of your Christmas Cookie Weight, meaning not run at all. This is obviously an unacceptable option.
Next, you can run inside on a treadmill. That’s great if there are no other options.
But we most of us who run usually like to actually go somewhere.

So there’s a few tips to ensure that you’re safe.

The Obvious

First of all, be smart about where you run. I’ve read quite a bit, and most articles recommend that women not run with music. This is for their personal safety against aggressive men. But honestly, when I run at night, I don’t listen to music. For me, it’s so I can be fully aware of my surroundings. Cars coming, emergency vehicles, or anything else that might impact my run or run path.

Run Form & Location

As much as I’d love to run on trails or the sidewalks of Summit Avenue, I usually don’t have the time or motivation to go there. That means I’m running on the sidewalks near my house.

Most sidewalks that are not on the main roads or around a lake, sidewalks aren’t always perfectly smooth. Basically, the sidewalk tiles don’t see eye to eye with their neighbors….
Generally, this is barely noticeable. However, the way I run on trails gives me very little clearance, even an inch of unknown elevation change could cause a trip, as I learned last fall when running after dark.

While generally there is enough street lighting or city lighting to see the sidewalk, there are quite a few areas you won’t be able to see. While one may be tempted to use a headlamp, as a fashion adviser, I think it would be a little awkward.

Another feasible option, and much less attention-getting, would be to slow down. Of course, then you’d have to slow down, and really, why don’t you just walk? Heck, if you’re going to walk, why don’t you just just stay home and eat some cookies?

No, you should run with your toes first. While you might think that you’d look funny running on your toes, but you shouldn’t worry about how you look running. I mean, you look totally normal, since it’s kind of how a sprinter runs. But really, you shouldn’t ever ever care what people think of you when you’re running.

But the reason you want to run on your toes is simply the motion of your step. By leading with your toes, your foot will no longer be  be moving forward as it hits the ground. It will be moving in a downward motion, so if there’s a change in elevation or a change in terrain, you don’t step into the new terrain, but you step on top of it.

The motion on your next step doesn’t rely on gripping the ground, so if it’s sand, ice, or water, you’re not going to slip. Instead of pushing the ground back with your foot, you raise your leg up and forward for the next step. This allows for absolutely no tripping. It makes it do no matter what the elevation.

So really, until there’s ice, you have no excuse for not running.